Biographies Cosmétique
Webinaires santé
Modératrice - Cynthia Bouthot
President of Space Commerce Matters
Cynthia Bouthot is President of Space Commerce Matters, a pioneer in Low Earth Orbit Demand Creation.
Prior to this, Cynthia helped standup the ISS National Lab and developed the demand model that resulted in 55% commercial customers generating over $200M in funding and sponsored programs.
Cynthia spent 10 years working in innovation and new market creation throughout Europe and Asia; she was the Consul, and head of Trade and Investment for the British Consulate as well as Head of Innovation and R&D with a special focus on space and life sciences.
Cynthia has her Masters in International Economics and Finance from Brandeis University and a Bachelor of Science from the Boston College Carroll School of Management.

Head of the cosmetic valley office in Nouvelle Aquitaine
Mrs Nathalie SIMONIN, 54 years old is graduated with a license of Biology and Biochemistry in Paris XII and a Master of Industrial pharmacy with Cosmetology speciality in Lyon (IPIL).
After having worked for 10 years at BOURJOIS-CHANEL for skincar products Developpment, she heads the GIPSO (South West Pharmaceutical and Health Industries Group) in Bordeaux and and joined Cosmetic Valley in 2018 to head the Cosmetic Valley Nouvelle-Aquitaine office.
She works with the head office of cosmetic Valley based in Chartres (central west of France), cosmetic compagnies, public research laboratories and establishments in Nouvelle-Aquitaine to :
- Develop the industrial cosmetic network
- Improve collaboratives public and privat projects
- Organize International scientific congresses
- Support inovative compagnies
- Grow up start-up with our R&D Booster “Beauty Hub”
- Match french campagnies and international competences of our worldwide partnerships
- B2B Connections and R&D connections

Intervenante - Hilde Stenuit
Seasoned research and team leader at Space Applications Services
Dr. Hilde Stenuit is a seasoned research and team leader for Space Applications Services.
She is currently using her expertise to guide the users of and create opportunities for commercial access to Space through the first European commercial ISS service called ICE Cubes (International Commercial Experiment Cubes).
Prior to this, she worked as an operations specialist for ISS modules and for spacecraft (ATV), she did operational coordination for research on National Soyuz missions.
Following this she supported ESA for over a decade in a function of ESA ISS Mission Science Office, doing scientific coordination and research planning of the complement of ISS science experiments.

Intervenant - Michael Johanson
Senior Vice President of Government Services & Business Development at ZIN Technologies
The efforts of Michael Johanson have contributed to over 270 microgravity research experiments for both government and commercial customers that have logged many successful operations on various space-based platforms including the ISS.
He currently leads the ZIN business development and strategic planning efforts responsible for the development partnerships, growth opportunities, corporate marketing, and government relations.
He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Tennessee and his M.S. in mechanical and aerospace engineering from the University of Tennessee at the UT Space Institute.

Intervenant - Matt Lynch
scientist/lead innovator in the Corporate Research Division at Procter & Gamble
Matt Lynch, Ph.D. is a scientist/lead innovator in the Corporate Research Division at Procter & Gamble, tasked with envisioning, creating and leading product initiatives that transform the Company’s business.
This work has resulted in more than fifty patent filings and several product launches, where inspiration often comes from his work with NASA on the ISS.
He holds an adjunct faculty position within the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Delaware, where he teaches Senior Design.

Animatrice - Dr. Lucie Campagnolo
Project Manager Space and Healthcare, CNES/MEDES
Lucie Campagnolo is project manager at MEDES, the Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology. Since its creation in 1989, MEDES has been striving to maintain and help develop French competence in space medicine and physiology and to promote the application of space research in the field of health.
MEDES achieves this through its work in three main sectors: support in space medicine and physiology for space exploration, clinical research, and lastly e-health and support for epidemiological monitoring.
Lucie also acts as Head of Healthcare applications at the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) to promote and foster innovation between the healthcare and space industrial sectors.
She participates in several Think Tanks and knowledge groups in the field of technological development in space and terrestrial medicine.
Prior to this, Lucie was payload ops engineer at CNES where she worked as an Experimental Manager to help scientists to prepare and conduct a broad range of experiments in microgravity, be it aboard the International Space Station, Airbus A300 Zero-G, or Ground Analogs.