This page is not a help page. Its aim is to present the accessibility policy of the connectbycnes.fr site and to determine the general level of accessibility observed on the site in accordance with the French accessibility (RGAA) guidelines.
What does web accessibility mean?
According to the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), an accessible website is one that allows all Internet users to access its content without difficulty. Accessibility allows people with any kind of disability, be it cognitive, visual, auditory, physical or neurological, to access a website without any restriction that may be related to their disability. Web accessibility also concerns older people whose motor and cognitive abilities change over the years.
Learn more about accessibility
An accessible website enables, for example:
- Browsing using the keys on the keyboard without needing a mouse or by means of a touch screen.
- Browsing using voice commands (for the visually impaired or blind).
- Configuring the display of the website according to your needs.
Accessibility of the Connect by CNES website
CNES attaches great importance to the quality of its website. This is why accessibility needs were identified and taken into account when creating the Connect By Cnes.fr website in order to offer optimal navigation to all.
The main objective of this approach is to ensure compliance with the RGAA (General Accessibility Improvement Reference Framework).CNES has ensured that the entire team involved in the development of the connectbycnes.fr website has taken into account the notion of accessibility, by having third-party experts assist them, particularly for the audit and verification of corrections throughout the development phase.
To report a malfunction concerning the accessibility of the connectbycnes.fr website
If you notice a lack of accessibility which prevents you from browsing or accessing any content or using a function on the connectbycnes.fr website, you may send your complaints or a request for an intervention to the Public Defender of Rights. There are two options:
- You can contact us via our contact form.
- You can also get in touch with one or more delegates from your region via the list of delegates.
- Finally, you can send a letter to the following postal address: Le Défenseur des droits, 7 rue Saint-Florentin, 75409 Paris Cedex 08.