SMEs/mid-tier companies

SMEs/mid-tier companies

Space = performance and profitability

Innovate and boost your growth

SMEs and mid-tier companies: you are one of our country's economic and social pillars, and the beating heart of our economy. The highly competitive environment calls for constant reinvention on your part. Innovation and investment are essential to achieving this.

  • Space technologies are here to stimulate your innovations. Connect by CNES focuses on a number of support tools and measures that can leverage your company’s growth and competitiveness.
Picto PME
Connect by CNES is dedicated to improving your performance and profitability

Our offer for SME competitiveness

  • Technical expertise
  • Access to our patents and software
  • Promotion & coordination

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Risques inondation

Hydroclimat, lauréat #SpaceTour 2021

Nouveau service issu de nos #PitchDays 2021!
HYDROCLIMAT commercialise un nouvel outil grâce au prix remporté
PitchDay : Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, 07.10.21Thématique : Territoires durables,…

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Hydroclimat, lauréat #SpaceTour 2021
Michel Bénet, Diginove


Caractériser le bâti et fournir données démographiques

The succession of successes!
Technical advice, incubation, financing, export support... this is the story that has…

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TIMM - Télé Imagerie Médicale Mobile



AdEchoTech was the first company to market a robotic tele-ultrasound solution. The medical expert examines the…

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An example of successful support
Founded in 2016, Weatherforce is a start-up specialized in providing very local…

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Our news

myEUspace competition

New European competition!
This competition is organized by EUSPA in the framework of the CASSINI…

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Pitchdays "Space Tour 2021"

During the COVID crisis period, we made a commitment to support our companies, and we kept our word!

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A unique space trail
For the 2021 edition, the Connect by CNES and GeoDataDays teams are joining…

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