Space Ticket

Space Ticket funding

For space start-ups

The funding visa for technology start-ups

In January 2019, a new investment fund was created under the name French Tech Seed. Operated by BPI France, the French Tech Seed fund is raising €400 million to finance technology start-ups.

  • For the space part, a consortium led by CNES identifies high-potential star performers and issues them with a Space Ticket.
Bandeau Space Ticket

Direct access to funding

CNES and its five partners identify and accredit space start-ups that are eligible for the French Tech Seed fund.

How? By issuing a Space Ticket! This accreditation is essential for accessing French Tech Seed funding of €50K to €250K in convertible bonds. The Space Ticket also offers the chance to benefit from the insights and support of space and innovation experts.

Who is eligible for a Space Ticket?

To access the French Tech Seed fund's quasi-equity financing, companies have to meet four criteria:

Critères Space Ticket
Criteria for obtaining a Space Ticket 

Are you a space company?

If you want to get a Space Ticket, you have to be responsible for a space-related innovation.

Space is understood here in the broadest sense of the term and includes upstream technological innovation, space exploration, development of uses, exploitation of big data and artificial intelligence, as well as space applications for communication, observation, positioning, etc.

In order to apply, you also need to prove the innovative technological nature of your project and that your R&D goes beyond the state of the art.

Download the explanatory document

Your funding contact

Véronique will help you with any questions on the Space Ticket or on funding in general. Don't hesitate to write to us, we will forward your request.

Véronique, your Space Ticket & funding contact