Research and technology
Partnering VSEs, SMEs and mid-tier companies
Innovation through Research and Technology (R&T)
As part of our specific offer for SMEs, the Connect by CNES teams can guide you towards the CNES R&T programme. This has a component devoted to the "Development of space applications", designed to stimulate the application potential offered by space solutions for the benefit of society and the economy.
This programme encompasses three main technical areas, the last of which is highly relevant for SMEs wishing to offer services using space infrastructure:
- Extraction of information from images
- Information and Communication Technologies to support data processing and provision
- Application maturation

Application maturation: a scheme to help you advance to the next level!
Eliminate your technical constraints with our R&T programme
The "Application maturation" R&T area provides support to industrial companies (SMEs and mid-tier companies, etc.) in eliminating technical constraints, with a view to setting up new services based on satellite data or infrastructure (navigation, Earth observation, geolocation, telecommunications).
To be eligible for the scheme, the candidate project must have a sufficient degree of maturity and fulfil the following conditions:
- A proof of concept (POC) must have already been carried out to demonstrate the feasibility of the service on a small scale
- The planned service should include a technical or algorithmic obstacle that requires R&T support to overcome it
- The service to be developed must rely on space infrastructure already in place: it should not require the creation of any new infrastructure
- The consortium that is going to propose the R&T activity must include the final operator, and present market potential: plausible commercial outcome, target market identified, etc.
If you fulfil these conditions, please contact us so we can help you take your project further! You can also contact us simply to find out more or ask us any questions you may have; we will be happy to answer.