Moving your start-up to the fast lane
Boost your ideas with #space
What can space technologies do for me? Do they really concern me? I have an idea in mind, but I'm hesitating... If you're asking questions, it's because you're already on board!
Connect by CNES offers a complete action plan dedicated to start-ups: from pre-incubation to acceleration and including technical support, funding, training and promotion.

Connect by CNES working to help start-ups
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Risques inondation
Hydroclimat, lauréat #SpaceTour 2021
Nouveau service issu de nos #PitchDays 2021!
HYDROCLIMAT commercialise un nouvel outil grâce au prix remporté
PitchDay : Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, 07.10.21Thématique : Territoires durables,…

Our news

We provide you new software tools via “Access to our patents & software” section of our Web…

New European competition!
This competition is organized by EUSPA in the framework of the CASSINI…

During the COVID crisis period, we made a commitment to support our companies, and we kept our word!