Data Science for Copernicus
Actualité -
For the second time this year, Connect by CNES, Aerospace Valley and Id-GEO are organizing a “Data Science for Copernicus” training workshop.
Using Sentinel-2 images downloaded from a DIAS and Vector data from the IGN's RPG database (Registre Parcellaire Graphique), two use cases will be worked on:
- Cultivated plot datasets: to learn about machine learning.
- Sentinel-2 optical image processing: to learn about machine learning and deep learning.
This workshop is organized in the framework of the FP-CUP Caroline Herschel program, which aims to promote and develop the use of Copernicus.
Registrations are now closed, do not hesitate to follow our news to know the dates of the next sessions!
Copernicus Flash info
The 2020 annual report "Copernicus Sentinel Data" has just been published. It shows more than 380,000 registered users, with a publication rate of more than 38,700 products/day and an average daily download volume of 405 TB.

This data reflects exponential growth in use and access to this data since the start of the programs in 2015, and reflects the growing user interest in observational space data, as well as its strong potential to serve as a foundation for generating new services.
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