MEO CLimate
Actualité -
During this World Climate Day, congratulations to MEOSS for the labeling of its MEO CLimate project by the SCO!
It is a cartographic platform based on satellite data, which offers regional actors regular indicators and premises, which includes local management of actions related to renewable energies, the management of water reserves or agricultural practices. .
For photovoltaics, the tool makes it possible to map the existing one (detection of solar farms and solar panels wherever they are installed) then to determine the most suitable locations to accommodate new installations (sunshine, proximity to electricity poles, unused agricultural land…).
Regarding irrigation, MEO Climate helps monitor changes in water reserves and agricultural water use practices.
In terms of sustainable agriculture, the tool uses recurrent satellite imagery to detect the plant cover of fields, in order to encourage farmers not to leave the soils "bare" between crops, because they are more fragile and vulnerable to erosion.

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