fusée Ariane 5


Make it easy to write your documents!

GDOC software facilitates document writing while respecting ISO and ECSS standards and document management. It also allows to manage requirements, actions and to create datapackages in ECSS format.

GDOC is a set of Microsoft Word macros (appearing as Toolbars) that allow you to associate a small database (called "Project Base") to the documents of a project. The toolbar is identical for all compatible Word versions.

This Project Base contains information such as: the name of the project, its logos, the contact details of the project members, the titles and references of the other documents in the project, the definitions in the glossary...

Thanks to this Project Base and the functions provided by GDOC, you enter the information only once, then you re-use it as many times as necessary in all the project documents, without re-entering it.

GDOC also offers functions such as: requirements entry (configurable to interface, if needed, with management tools such as Doors Rectify...), automatic generation of traceability matrices, management of AC/AD (To Be Confirmed, To Be Defined), entry of actions in a report and generation of a summary table... In order to work, GDOC must know how to interact with your documents.

GDOC provides ready-to-use "Layout Templates" for the most common uses (Specifications, Meeting Report, Technical Note...).

Finally, GDOC provides a lot of "Goodies" to make writing easier.




Licence type

Free owner licence

Programming language


Operating system

Windows 7 and 10 32 et 64 bits

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