Visioconférence Thomas Pesquet - Laurent Ballesta

A call like no other...

Actualité -

Thanks to satellite links, aquanaut Laurent Ballesta was able to communicate with ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet on board the ISS, 400 km above the Earth, between two dives at a depth of more than 100 m off Corsica. On July 10, they exchanged for 14 minutes by satellite videoconference, with impeccable sound and image quality.

This unprecedented technical feat was made possible -among others- thanks to CNES and its satellite telecommunications expertise center CESARS. They supported Andromède Océanologie for the needs inherent to Laurent Ballesta's Gombessa 6 expedition, and for the implementation of the videoconference with Thomas Pesquet.

The only way to ensure real-time communication between the aquanauts and the teams on the ground, as well as with the public who follow the expedition on social networks, or even Thomas Pesquet in the ISS, is to use satellite links. It is in this context that CNES is pleased to have advised Andromède Océanologie through its CESARS center dedicated to supporting companies wishing to use satellite communications.

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In addition to these extraordinary links, CESARS experts provide daily support to companies wishing to use satellite telecommunications for their own needs or to develop new services. Indeed, many areas of the world are neither connected nor connectable to wired broadband, even in France.

Satellite telecommunications offer an efficient and operational alternative to ensure telecommunications connections in all places and in all circumstances.

Learn more about CESARS

Capture d’écran de l’appel en visioconférence de l’aquanaute Laurent Ballesta (à gauche) et de l’astronaute Thomas Pesquet (à droite). LES GENS BIEN PRODUCTIONS / ANDROMEDE OCEANOLOGIE / ARTE / CNES / ESA / NASA / MARLINK
Screenshot of the videoconference call between aquanaut Laurent Ballesta (left) and astronaut Thomas Pesquet (right).

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